InOpSys Colleagues Join 1000 km Cycling Event

InOpSys Colleagues Ride 1000 km for KOTK: Cycling for Cancer Awareness

InOpSys Colleagues Ride 1000 km for KOTK

On May 22, 2023, seven colleagues from InOpSys dedicated their weekend to participate in the 1000 km cycling event for KOTK (Kom Op Tegen Kanker - Stand Up Against Cancer).

With unwavering commitment, these seven individuals took on the challenge, pedaling through the 1000-kilometer journey to support KOTK's cause. Their participation aimed to raise awareness and funds for cancer research and support programs.

The cycling event exemplified not just physical endurance but also reflected the collective dedication of InOpSys employees towards making a difference in the fight against cancer. Each kilometer covered symbolized a step towards a future where the impact of cancer is minimized.

"We are proud of our colleagues who participated in the 1000 km cycling event for KOTK," expressed Steven De Laet, CEO. "Their dedication and effort demonstrate our company's commitment to supporting vital causes like cancer research and patient support."

The colleagues' participation received tremendous encouragement from peers and the community, emphasizing the shared commitment to combatting cancer's impact on individuals and society.

This event echoes InOpSys's ongoing dedication to societal responsibility and emphasizes the company's active involvement in initiatives beyond its core operations.

The successful completion of the 1000 km cycling event stands as a testament to the collective determination in the ongoing fight against cancer.


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